News & Information from Us Too
While we all must remain safe and socially distant due to COVID-19 restrictions, it is important for everyone to continue to monitor and address their health concerns, and stay connected to others. Us TOO has virtual prostate cancer support groups that continue to meet regularly and host guest speakers. These meetings can be accessed by phone or by internet, and can be attended from any location. For a list of groups, please visit:
Us TOO offers virtual support for female caregivers of men with prostate cancer with A Forum for Her. For information on this group, visit To join one of the Forum calls, or to volunteer to host a group for about an hour per month, please contact Terri Likowski at
We also offer support for gay men and their partners with A Prostate Cancer Forum for Gay Men and Their Partners. For information on the group, visit To join one of these calls, please contact Terri Likowski at
AnCan offers a wide range of virtual support groups for men at every stage of prostate cancer. For more information, visit
The Reluctant Brotherhood hosts virtual meetings – “This call is for men living with cancer, any cancer at any stage. This is not a very technical call because we talk about what is going on inside our hearts and minds. We poke around with our emotional lives, the unmeasurable stuff.” For information, please visit
Virtual Support Groups
Us TOO has virtual prostate cancer support groups that continue to meet regularly and host guest speakers. These meetings can be accessed by phone or by internet, and can be attended from any location. For a list of groups, please visit:
We are excited to launch The Black Men’s Prostate Cancer Initiative to decrease health outcome disparities in prostate cancer treatment in the Black community through support and education. The initiative’s first community education webinar is a panel discussion on diet-related health disparities within the Black community and will feature an important conversation about nutrition and its impact on prostate, sexual, heart, and overall health. While this webinar series has been developed for the initiative’s pilot program, based in the Hyde Park area of Chicago, and will focus on information relevant to the Black community, the webinars are open to any interested parties. We look forward to you joining us on Thursday, March 25, 7:00 – 8:30pm Central. Register at:
Bone Health and Nutrition Webinar Video
On February 25th, we had a great kickoff to our 2021 webinar series, What is Right for Me in My Prostate Cancer Treatment? The first webinar was on the topic of Bone Health and Nutrition. We thank Gregory Lewis, MD, Christine M. Palumbo, RDN, FAND, and Jamie Kearns, MD for being a part of this valuable discussion. Thanks also to Amgen for their generous sponsorship of the webinar. Video of the webinar is available at